Hi Serkan,

just to let you know: Task squares do not have to be squares, they can have arbitrary polygon boundaries. You will find examples for these in nearly every project.

Best Regards

Serkan Karakulak, 20.11.18 17:32:
Thanks a lot, the geojson file seems to be more than enough for us really:) Thanks you for your help, really appreciate it.


On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 11:28 AM Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com <mailto:iknowjos...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Serkan,

    Glad I could be helpful :)

    5 Coordinates because the feature is a polygon and the final coordinate
    duplicates the first - closing the polygon.

    It might be worth looking at the Task Manager github page to see if
    there's any plans to present coordinates via the API. I had a very quick
    look at the documentation and couldn't find anything. Calling the API for
    the above gives me as follows:

        $ curl https://tasks.hotosm.org/api/v1/project/5182/task/2212
        {"taskId": 2212, "projectId": 5182, "taskStatus": "VALIDATED",
        "taskHistory": [{"action": "STATE_CHANGE", "actionText": "VALIDATED",
        "actionDate": "2018-09-27T00:47:25.252277", "actionBy": "Daniel
        Specht"}, {"action": "LOCKED_FOR_VALIDATION", "actionText":
        "00:00:55.310139", "actionDate": "2018-09-27T00:46:29.945085",
        "actionBy": "Daniel Specht"}, {"action": "STATE_CHANGE", "actionText":
        "MAPPED", "actionDate": "2018-09-19T07:12:13.214061", "actionBy":
        "Roger Hoorens"}, {"action": "COMMENT", "actionText": "Nothing
        visible", "actionDate": "2018-09-19T07:12:13.212650", "actionBy":
        "Roger Hoorens"}, {"action": "LOCKED_FOR_MAPPING", "actionText":
        "00:00:53.869298", "actionDate": "2018-09-19T07:11:19.347707",
        "actionBy": "Roger Hoorens"}], "perTaskInstructions": "",
        "isUndoable": false}

    I don't know if that would be more useful to you if it contained those

    Cheers, Joseph

    On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 16:03, Serkan Karakulak <sk7...@nyu.edu
    <mailto:sk7...@nyu.edu>> wrote:

        Hi Joseph,

        Thanks a lot, this was exactly what we needed indeed!
        Much appreciated, thank you for your help.

        Is there a reason that there are five coordinates for the tile btw,
        instead of four?


        On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 10:10 AM Joseph Reeves <iknowjos...@gmail.com
        <mailto:iknowjos...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Hi Serkan,

            I've not looked into this properly, but a quick look at a project
            on the Task Manager shows I can find a validated square:


            This task 2212 appears in the project geojson, and marked as

            I've not double checked this is what you want, but looks like a
            good place to start:

                "type": "MultiPolygon"}, "properties": {"taskId": 2212,
                "taskSplittable": true, "taskStatus": "VALIDATED", "taskX":
                30348, "taskY": 34875, "taskZoom": 16}, "type": "Feature"},
                {"geometry": {"coordinates": [[[[-13.2934570288688,
                11.4907909783363], [-13.2879638648073, 11.4907909783363],
                [-13.2879638648073, 11.4961739900467], [-13.2934570288688,
                11.4961739900467], [-13.2934570288688, 11.4907909783363]]]],

            Cheers, Joseph

            On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 03:47, Serkan Karakulak <sk7...@nyu.edu
            <mailto:sk7...@nyu.edu>> wrote:

                I am a graduate student in a Data Science program, and I
                wanted to get in touch with you because me and my two other
                friends are interested in working on a machine learning
                project to map areas using their satellite images and produce
                their labels. If we obtain a high accuracy, we thought it
                could be of use to the hotosm and the missingmaps initiatives.

                I have first heard about Missing Maps when I came across a
                mapathlon event two years ago in Istanbul. We were in search
                for a class project for one of our courses and I remembered
                about the mapathlon event and we would be very happy if we
                could contribute to the this wonderful initiative. There are
                already some previous successful works on this subject, so we
                are very hopeful that we could come up with an algorithm with
                high accuracy.

                In order to develop the model, we need to extract bounding
                boxes of the validated tiles we see at hotosm. Then we will
                extract the satellite images and their labels using the
                label-maker API which is developed by DevSeed. Is there a
                method to extract the coordinates of these validated tiles?

                Thank you for your time and help.


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