There is another wiki guide

both get updated from time to time.  As a general rule of thumb I tag highways between settlements as unclassified not track, I leave it to the local mappers to say if it is a higher classification.  Occasionally I'll tag as high as tertiary. Normally I leave the tags alone but have been known to retag motorways between two small settlements as unclassified.

I think step one is to get something mapped.  Step two is correct it and with lots of new mappers with different ideas we'll always see some problems.

Cheerio John

Frans Schutz wrote on 2019-04-06 6:27 AM:
Hello Ralf

you pinpoint to a situation which is not always clear.
First of all. we ty to keep ourselves to the East African Highway tagging wiki

Different mappers judge different how to tag a highway. Out of my own experience lots of mappers (and validators) struggle with how to tag a highway.  Looking to the importance, the routing, and the width of the highway, which is hard to measure from a satellite image, we have to decide. A big number of new mappers are joining us and have different ideas (nor no idea at all) how to tag a highway. I've seen taggings as secondary highway as a connection to 2 hamlets and so on. So we try to tag as good as possible, but often it is a (calculated)guess which tag is relevant. Take also in account that there is a huge time pressure on these disaster mapping projects, so sometimes you accept the tagging as they were made. When there is no time pressure you can take a look to each highway and decide.
I hope you get an understanding how we have to deal with this subject.
Best regards
Frans Schutz

Op 5-4-2019 om 20:10 schreef Ralf Bernhardt:
Interesting when compared to the openstreetmap data.

There are many POIs I would like to see on Openstreetmap too, also
boundarys and place names.

I also noticed a different tagging scheme: Car, Moto and Foot. I would
guess that Roads not passable for a car but by foot and moto should be
highway=path in OSM.

But most of them are still tagged as unclassified or residential. Is
there a reason for that or will you change them later?

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