On 4/7/19 6:59 PM, Kevin McPherson via HOT wrote:
road network classification in OSM is never quite the same as that used by the Roads Agency, and there are discrepancies between the "official" data of the roads agency, and the OSM definition. This causes confusion to anyone who wants accurate mapping. [..]

Though Openstreetmap strives for global definitions, local variations also exist. For example, in French Openstreetmap "trunk" must be a dual-carriage way - that rule does not exist in the rest of the Openstreetmap world. But divergence carries the cost of increased complexity - tread lightly there: not all Openstreetmap communities have sufficient power to deal with it.

The ref=* tag might help you: the national highway numbering schemes reflect the national classification - so it might be a good source of "official" truth to carry the national road agency's vision regardless of what the way actually is.

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