Joining via email works for external users. Not clear if that is as a
result of changes by the HOT admins or that different ACLs are at play.

On Wed, 16 Oct 2019 at 14:24, Donal Hunt <> wrote:

> Note: Regarding the google group - HOT likely have the index of mailing
> list restricted (common for most organisations) so external users will not
> be able to subscribe directly via the web interface (I suspect email may
> result in the same deadend but I haven't validated the ACLs there). This is
> likely why email addresses were being gathered through a form - they need
> to be manually add to the group by the group owner / moderator. Purely a
> case of a design decision Google have made around their G Suite product. :/
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2019 at 06:33, Felix Delattre <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Jiri,
>> On October 15, 2019 10:59:27 PM GMT+02:00, Jiri Vlasak <
>>> wrote:
>> >I feel
>> >sorry, but I am not interested in contributing to something closed,
>> >without
>> >public history.
>> Thanks for the feedback!
>> The Tasking Manager is free and open (source) and its development is
>> completely transparent, with a public history and actively seeking
>> collaboration through Github.
>> Of course everybody is free to decide, whether to follow the invitation
>> to the TM groups or not! It is unfortunate that it doesn't fulfill your
>> criteria. I can understand your concerns and probably it is best for you to
>> participate through our Github repository, you seem to be well familiar
>> with and everything is kept in a public history.
>> The groups are an additional offer for people who don't feel very
>> comfortable with Github and still want to give us input. It is an
>> opportunity for us to connect with the users of the TM. We also figured out
>> that sometimes it is good to talk in person, or over voice and video (we
>> also don't record these meetings).
>> Best,
>> Felix
>> --
>> Sent from my phone;  if there are typos I will still be quite annoyed at
>> myself.
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