On 09/03/14 16:55, Ken Fallon wrote:
> I would like to bring this topic to some form of closure. Can I invite
> everyone to comment on this proposed text.
> <quote>
> If you have a non urgent show, please consider scheduling it during the
> summer period in the Northern Hemisphere as this is usually when we are
> short of shows. The backup queue is intended only to be used in the
> cases where there is still a gap in the schedule 24 hours prior to release.
> The shows will by their very nature need to be "timeless", ie: your
> topic should still be relevant in four years or more. People will be
> able to hear the show on the website but they will not be included in
> any feeds until release.
> Please begin all shows with text similar to:
> "This is a backup show, if you are hearing this then HPR needs shows
> ASAP. Please consider contributing a show. Email admin at hacker public
> radio dot org for more information."
> We expect that we need at least 10 shows in the backup queue in order to
> give people enough time to record and submit shows. Remember once that
> all the backup shows have been used up and there are no more shows in
> the queue, HPR as a project will stop.
> </quote>

I think this makes it clear what to do for non-urgent shows, and how
that is different from the emergency queue (the new name for which
also adds some clarity).

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:
> I think we need to make it clear that shows in this queue will *never*
> get released unless there is an emergency. The reason I mention 10
> shows, is because that is the minimum I think we need to rally the troops.
> On the other hand as we can see from the discussions to this thread,
> some hosts intend that their shows never be rotated out and only used
> for backup slots.

I think this is the right decision, given the wishes of these hosts.

> So the purpose of this clause is to make the Backup queue an Emergency
> Queue. IE *only* shows intended to be in there for a looooooong time. No
> rotation, no maximum size, playable - yes, but not scheduled until they
> are needed.
> So what about people that don't care when they are scheduled, who are in
> no particular rush to have their show aired, but expect it to be
> released sometime. I do not want to be responsible for scheduling those,
> for fear of acquisitions of bias. Yes we could write a script to
> schedule them but then that leads to confusion. So then why not let the
> people schedule the shows themselves at a time we know will be quiet.
> Eg: during the summer.
> Does that seem logical and fair ?

I think this is exactly what's needed.

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