On 7/25/2014 10:46 AM, Fifty OneFifty wrote:

Howdey everyone, now that I am back on line, I going to use IRC and the HPR mailing list to let all of you know where I've been. Sunday night, we lost the house in a fire. We are both OK, Dad has no injuries and I had second degree burn on both arms, first degree on my face. I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, but I have to perform some painful scrubbing to the burned areas each day before going to get my dressings re-applied. A lot of people have offered to help any yesterday I finally admitted what I really needed was a ride a ride to town so I could use the provided narcotics before cleaning the wounds. I'm living with a friend in the smaller house on the property. I was hoping to try jumping into KPO, but the phone won't stay on the WiFi.

Dude, that sucks, but at least you made it out alive and your Dad is OK. I will put you on the prayer list immediately.


Kevin B. O'Brien
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." 
-- Will Rogers

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