Wow Fifty. I'm glad it seems you and your father are OK. If you need anything do not hesitate to ask.

On 07/25/2014 10:46 AM, Fifty OneFifty wrote:

Howdey everyone, now that I am back on line, I going to use IRC and the HPR mailing list to let all of you know where I've been. Sunday night, we lost the house in a fire. We are both OK, Dad has no injuries and I had second degree burn on both arms, first degree on my face. I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, but I have to perform some painful scrubbing to the burned areas each day before going to get my dressings re-applied. A lot of people have offered to help any yesterday I finally admitted what I really needed was a ride a ride to town so I could use the provided narcotics before cleaning the wounds. I'm living with a friend in the smaller house on the property. I was hoping to try jumping into KPO, but the phone won't stay on the WiFi.

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