On 03/04/2015 18:18, Windigo wrote:
> On 2015-04-02 3:43 am, Dave Morriss wrote:
>> On 02/04/15 11:07, Mike Ray wrote:
>>> Has something changed on the site?  Seems like most of the links have
>>> disappeared.
>>> Went there looking for the link to go to the list of hosts and can't now
>>> find most of the sub-pages.
>>> I had some sort of crash in Firefox yesterday and it now opens on the
>>> Spanish Google page instead of the UK page so it might be my end :-/
>> I don't observe any problems here. I tested with Chromium, Iceweasel and
>> Konqueror.
>> Dave
> Mike: You use a screen reader, correct?
> It seems like the current iteration of the HPR navbar might be
> inaccessible to screen readers, tablets, and anything that doesn't
> involve a mouse pointer. I'm working on some CSS changes, and I will run
> them by you before suggesting them to Ken.
> - Windigo

I think that might well be the answer.  Some nav bar versions are
exposed by default while others are not.  I have the same issue with
sites I create with Nikola.

I can have a squint at anything you propose to change to see if it works
for me.  I'm using NVDA on Windows 7 and Orca on Linux, of course.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

Don't judge my disability until you witness my ability

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