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Accessible linking practices is probably worth pointing out in an HPR

Also, the issue of mailing list top and bottom posting. I've been told
by people using screen readers that it's REALLY annoying to have to
listen to the same quoted text message after message, only to hear "I
agree" at the end of it all. Screen reader people seem to prefer top

- --Bob, who doesn't mean to start a flame war.

- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonk...@sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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On 2016-04-06 08:45 AM, Mike Ray wrote:
> Hello folks.
> I just wanted to point out a little thing about how to make HTML
> show notes more accessible to blind folks like me.
> When you're linking to something in your notes, like the previous 
> episode in your series, please consider the method most
> screen-reader users use to navigate between links.
> All of the readers I have come across have a navigation key
> dedicated to stepping through varieties of landmarks in an HTML
> page.  For example the 'l' key to jump from link to link or the 'h'
> key to jump between headers.
> So, when using the keypress method of jumping from one link to the
> next it is very poor practice to, for example, make only the word
> 'here' a link in the middle of a sentence like 'Find the notes for
> episode N here'.
> If there are multiple links on a page of that kind then repeated
> presses of 'l' will just make the screen-reader say 'here, here,
> here, here, here' as you go from link to link.
> So, we then have to look at the surrounding text to identify what
> the link is.
> Likewise, if your notes contain the actual text 'http:// ... etc
> ... ' after words which say what it is, we just get a Web address
> and it's not always obvious what it is.
> Better to make the whole of the 'find episode 1 of galvanic frogs
> leg spasm here' a hyperlink.
> Here endeth the lesson on the third Wednesday after muck
> spreading.
> Mike
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