I found one user that was using all the bandwidth with multiple downloads
all at once coming from Michigan.

Guys, I know you may want to have a ton of the podcasts for a trip or what
have you, but try to limit your downloads to one at a time.


On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Joshua Knapp <jknap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's a good chance that we are hitting the bandwidth cap on the VM and
> connections are getting throttled.  I'll check the firewall and see how
> much it's using.
> I have a 20mb/s commit, which means while I can allow for more that that,
> but my monthly average based on 95 percentile cannot, else I get charged
> for overages, and I need to keep the paying customers as priority in
> regards to traffic.
> I will check as to how much bandwidth we can spare, and I am open to ideas.
> One of the things I have been investigating and testing is the use of AWS
> S3 for large files and uploads, as the cost is significantly less than
> storing and serving locally.
> Another option may be that we raise money set aside specifically for HPR's
> bandwidth costs. The revenue from the few (2 or 3 iirc) accounts that
> signed up through the HPR coupon code is nominal in regards to the total
> cost to host HPR.
> Do not get me wrong, I am not complaining, as I think HPR provides a great
> service and anything from the community is a testament to the dedication
> from it's members.
> I am open to other ideas as always.
> --Josh
> On Jun 30, 2017 7:21 AM, "Mike Ray" <m...@raspberryvi.org> wrote:
>> Kevin and all
>> I have exactly the same.
>> Every night when the clock ticks around for time for the next HPR
>> podcast it downloads very, very slowly.  I had just about decided it was
>> probably a combination of my sister and her kids sucking up all my
>> bandwidth with netflix and spottify.  But it seems it isn't just me.
>> Mike
>> On 30/06/2017 13:48, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
>> > Is anyone else having problems with extremely slow downloads from hpr?
>> I am
>> > getting speeds that remind me of dial-up BBS days, but only on this
>> podcast.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> --
>> Michael A. Ray
>> Analyst/Programmer
>> Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
>> Disclaimer: It wasn't me, you didn't see me, you can't prove a thing.
>> https://cromarty.github.io/
>> http://eyesfreelinux.ninja/
>> http://www.raspberryvi.org/
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