On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 7:59 AM Ken Fallon <k...@fallon.ie> wrote:

> I applied a rewrite rule as shown here
> https://blog.paranoidpenguin.net/2018/12/how-to-remove-facebooks-fbclid-parameter-using-mod_rewrite-on-apache-2-4/
> So now facebook links will work.
> The biggest issues I see using rewrite rules are their brittleness and
maintainability. If we decide that Facebook is going to be the only site on
the acceptable list and rewrite their parameters out, then this is fine.
Maybe adding one or two others if they seem to be a big source of
legitimate traffic, won't be a problem, but if any of them changes their
parameter name, then the rewrite breaks, and needs to be updated. The
bigger the list the more maintenance.

> >> Wouldn't accepting parameters from others pose a security problem? I
> >> tend to think it expands the attack surface.
As Ken points out, we already sanitize the parameters, and treat any extra
as an attack. I assume the above rewrite rule occurs before the php
sanitization code, which now allows it to pass. Would a more generic
solution be to modify the sanitize function to just drop invalid
parameters, log as potential attack, and then do a redirect from php with
just the valid parameters, or just show the page using the validated
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