I have the latest Shadowrun book.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2020, 3:54 AM Klaatu <kla...@member.fsf.org> wrote:

> Hi fellow hackers,
> tl;dr - subscribe to my gaming RSS feed
> http://mixedsignals.ml/games/rpg.xml
> to get updates on when I'm holding online RPG sessions you can join.
> ## Back story:
> Months ago, I invited everyone to some online tabletop RPG games I was
> running. It's worked out really well (heck, one of the games is still
> going),
> but I think it's time for a little something extra.
> ## The plan:
> I want to start an RPG Club. Anyone reading this is invited (even if
> you've
> been forwarded this email and don't know what HPR is).
> As with HPR itself, all are welcome, regardless of {ethnicity, gender,
> sexual
> orientation, politic, religion, and so on}. I believe these games are
> appropriate for ages 13 and up.
> The club will aim to play a different RPG each month (or so). That means
> we'll
> do relatively short, introductory-style games once a week for 2 hours.
> ## Benefits to HPR
> At the end of each month, I'd like to record an HPR episode reviewing the
> game
> system we just played. Yes, this is directly inspired by the HPR Book Club.
> ## Game systems I intend to try:
> Shadowrun
> Swords & Wizardry
> Pathfinder 1e
> Pathfinder 2e
> Starfinder
> Castles & Crusades
> Dead Earth
> Mythic D6
> OpenD6
> Mythos & Madness
> D&D 2e (Dragonlance specifically)
> D&D 5e
> Dungeon Raiders
> Murder Hobos
> Ironsworn
> D4Core
> ...to name a few
> ## Action requested
> If you're interested, subscribe to this RSS feed:
> http://mixedsignals.ml/games/rpg.xml
> This alerts you of upcoming game times, where to meet and when, and so on.
> Please do email me to sign up. I can probably handle 5 or 6 players, but
> not
> more than that.
> ## Contact info
> If you have questions or complaints about what timezone I'm in, feel free
> to
> email me. I can't control timezones or my work schedule, but I'm eager to
> accommodate as much as possible.
> That is all.
> _______________________________________________
> Hpr mailing list
> Hpr@hackerpublicradio.org
> http://hackerpublicradio.org/mailman/listinfo/hpr_hackerpublicradio.org
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