On 10/20/21 17:38, Ken Fallon wrote:
On 2021-10-18 20:33:48, Mike Ray wrote:

If we take a look at the possible makeup of a show we have 7 possible sections. 

1. Show Synopsis
This is the text to speech. I was in favour of it but everyone hates it. It 
should go.

I do like the text to speech synopsis of the show. I see it as a hack/geeky part of the 
podcast "brand".

2. Thanking our Hosting provider
IA don't know we do this, and Josh never asked us to do this. In speaking with 
him, unfortunately the mentions don't convert to clients. So with his 
permission, I'd like to move that to the start of the community news so that 
it's handled as a personal thank you from the Janitors.

While the attribution to An Honest Host may not have generated bunches of 
sales, I still think it is a good thing to do. I have at times looked at using 
their services, they just haven't met what I needed at the time at the price 
point I wanted to pay. I did recently make a donation to them towards HPR

I found that link on the About page when exploring the HPR website the other 
week. Maybe we should stress the donation link--many podcasts mention at least 
once if not multiple times their Patreon or other donations links (not saying 
we need Patreon--just highlighting the method we do have)

I often listen for years to a podcast before I start financially supporting it

3. HPR Introduction Music
There are a lot of themes available, all long

I do believe we need to add a theme to maintain the "HPR Brand", otherwise we 
risk been considered an amalgamation feed.

There is no need for it to be as long or as *LOUD* as it is

Other than the levels on occasion, i don't mind the current intro and outro music. I have 
heard it so much that I occasionally hum it around the house, and as far as branding 
goes, the other night I was humming it and my partner asked "are you humming the 
music to your podcast?"

So in summary, I'd suggest dropping everything but a very short intro and move 
the rest to the community news.

I feel there is value in keeping a fair amount of the intro and outro the way 
it is. Finding a way to tighten it up is fine, but for me part of the HPR 
experience is the intro and outro.



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