On 2021-10-27 20:03:47, dnt wrote:
Hi, this lurker would like to come out of the woodwork and say that the discussion 
started from a perceived concern about a plateau in subscribers and one of the defining 
things about HPR, it seems to me, is its focus on attracting contributors, rather than 
listeners. Therefore, I think it would be very important to retain the outro, 
specifically the part about "this episode was contributed by an HPR listener like 
yourself, if you want to find out how easy it really is" etc. Apparently not easy 
enough for me! But still, I find it important for the invitation to be there in case 
someone is tuning in for the first time, and for someone who has been tuning in for a 
while and still hasn't converted, it's a welcome reminder.


Valid point - as is the show license declaration.


Ken Fallon (PA7KEN,G5KEN)

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