
I have updated the project description with some additional information that 
may be helpful to you


You will need to be comfortable with templated c++ - and combining two large 
projects such as libcds and hpx is not for the faint hearted.


From: hpx-users-boun...@stellar-group.org <hpx-users-boun...@stellar-group.org> 
on behalf of R. Tohid <tohid....@gmail.com>
Sent: 29 March 2020 21:21:45
To: Hartmut Kaiser; hpx-users@stellar-group.org
Cc: Tiberiu Bucur
Subject: Re: [hpx-users] FW: Concurrent Data Structure project for GSoC 2020

Thanks for showing interest in STE||AR Group projects.

I would say common data structures that are used in either machine learning or 
graph algorithms might be of interest to you. You can look into 
Phylanx<https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/phylanx> to see examples of "tensors" 
and their applications in machine learning, or 
FleCSI<https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/flecsi/>'s HPX backend for examples of 
meshes and other graph data structures used in physics simulations.

As you probably can tell by now, understanding 
HPX<https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/flecsi/> is essential to all these 
projects. I would recommend you to start with examples included in HPX repo.

Feel free to reach out on our IRC channel,  #ste||ar on freenode 
(https://webchat.freenode.net). There is always someone to answer your 


On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 1:26 PM Hartmut Kaiser 
<hartmut.kai...@gmail.com<mailto:hartmut.kai...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I’m forwarding this to our hpx-users mailing list for others to be able to 
chime in.

Regards Hartmut

From: Tiberiu Bucur <tbucur7...@gmail.com<mailto:tbucur7...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2020 12:47 PM
To: hartmut.kai...@gmail.com<mailto:hartmut.kai...@gmail.com>
Subject: Concurrent Data Structure project for GSoC 2020

Dear Mr Kaiser,

I am writing to you because I am interested in participating in the Concurrent 
Data Structure project this year as a student and I wanted to ask a few 
questions in order to make sure that I can bring a valuable contribution to the 

I am currently a first year Computing student at Imperial College London and I 
have a fair amount of experience with concurrency, as it was part of my 
Programming module in Java, where we discussed various thread-safe 
implementations of abstract data structures (Lists and Red-Black Trees for 
example). I can say that I felt a huge interest in the area from the beginning, 
which is why I would love to contribute to your project.

My only concern is regarding the prerequisite knowledge of C++. I have 
programmed in C++ for nearly 4 years during High School, but the purpose of my 
course back then was algorithms, so even though I can say I am familiar with 
the most usual header files and functions and with the language particularities 
like memory access, I do not yet have much OOP knowledge. However, I do have 
OOP knowledge in Java, which is why I am optimistic about my ability to learn 
the OOP particularities of C++ quite fast.

I would like to know if the project is doable having considered my current 
abilities, what my chances are of being selected and what I could do to 
increase them. Also, could you give me some more information about what is 
expected to be achieved in terms of data structure thread-safe implementations 
(how many of them, what exact data structures represent a priority), so I could 
think more deeply about organising a schedule for the summer, considering that 
the first 2 or 3 weeks are going to be tougher for me because I will have to 
split my time between University tests and projects and Summer of Code?

Thank you in advance for you time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Tiberiu Bucur
Imperial College London
Computing First Year Student
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