Dear all,

I see the projects on the website of Google Summer of Code, and I am interested 
in the project "implementing missing parallel lgorithms" and "Create Generic 
Histogram Performance Counter".

Currently, I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago.  My 
research interests include distributed data structure, remote direct memory 
access (RDMA), and key-value store systems. I have ever tried to design several 
kinds of lock-free data structures (e.g., append-only data structure) under 
one-sided RDMA. On my mind, I love coding and open source, and I make the full 
survey about hpx because of the need for my research. Besides, I have solid C++ 
programming experience and know a lot about parallel programming. I am eager to 
make contributions to the hpx project, and I will appreciate it if you give me 
the chance to join this project.

Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Thank you!

Best Wishes
Teng Ma

Tel.: 1-312-826-1481

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