The problem is not trying to correct the server.  I'm trying
to get htdig to timeout properly.  If it runs into a server
that has a legal IP address, but is not up and running, it
just hangs.  I have the timeout value set to 10, and even
tried it without any value at all (defaults to 30) [seconds].

>   I have had the same thing happen to me twice.  In each
>   case, hardware problems on the responding server were the 
>   culprit.  Also in each case, the server was slowly spoon-feeding
>   information back to the digger ... a few bytes ... wait maybe as
>   long as a minute ... a few bytes more.  The first time it was
>   a disk problem and the second time a NIC problem.
>   What you can do is telnet to the problem server at port 80:
>   telnet 80
>   and send the command: 
>   GET / HTTP1.0
>   Press ENTER twice.  If you don't see a complete display of HTML
>   source with a "connection closed" message, you may well have the
>   same problem I saw. 
>   ht://Dig as a hardware diagnostic tool.  Pretty weird.
>On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Patrick wrote:
>> While digging, htdig found a URL with a valid hostname (resolved
>> to an IP address) however, the web server was NOT responding
>> because it was down.  With timeout set to 10, I expected htdig
>> to only wait 10 seconds however, it just hung there indefinitely.
>> -vv didn't tell me anything more than -v.  Any clues?
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