Todd Hooge wrote:
> the HTML for this page there is a 'text' version of the page that has
> been commented out about halfway down the source code of the page. I
> need Ht-Dig to index anything within <!-- and -->. I also need to tell

This is simply not possible w/o hacking the code. (You could simply
strip out the parts of that look for comments).

There are better ways of doing what you want. Personally, I'd suggest
putting the commented text into a META description, which will be
indexed by ht://Dig as well as other search engines like Google, HotBot,
AltaVista, etc.

> The 'illusion' I am trying to create here is that the search mechanism
> is indexing the Power Point slides which would otherwise be impossible
> because the slide is actually one large graphic. If Ht-Dig could index
> the 'hidden' text in the HTML, this would solve my problem.

The purpose of META description tags is very much along these lines--add
text to files that would otherwise not have a useful description. The
HTML 4.0 standard also offers a 'longdesc' attribute for IMG tags that
let you specify descriptions in an external file. This is currently not
supported by ht://Dig, but is a good idea.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online
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