
I have had htdig on our website, at Atlas F1, for quite some time now and
have grown totally reliant on its wonderful search service. Our current OS
is Linux RedHat 6.0.

However, at the end of the month we are moving to a new, dedicated server,
where the OS will be BSDI 4.0. I understand that htdig cannot be installed
on this OS, but I also saw in the TODO page that this will be changed (or
has changed, I am not sure what you regard as a bullet and what you regard
as a circle there!!!). 

I am totally depressed by the thought of not being able to use htdig -
please, please tell me there is a solution? We have 2.5 million visitors a
month to our website, and the search service is imperative for us. The
thought of having to find a new search engine is utterly annoying, so
please tell me how I can install htdig on BSDI after all? Please?



Atlas F1 
The Journal of Formula One Motorsport 

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