On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Biranit Goren wrote:

> Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 01:54:03 +0200
> From: Biranit Goren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [htdig] BSDI installation
> Hello,
> I have had htdig on our website, at Atlas F1, for quite some time now and
> have grown totally reliant on its wonderful search service. Our current OS
> is Linux RedHat 6.0.
> However, at the end of the month we are moving to a new, dedicated server,
> where the OS will be BSDI 4.0. I understand that htdig cannot be installed
> on this OS, but I also saw in the TODO page that this will be changed (or
> has changed, I am not sure what you regard as a bullet and what you regard
> as a circle there!!!). 
> I am totally depressed by the thought of not being able to use htdig -
> please, please tell me there is a solution? We have 2.5 million visitors a
> month to our website, and the search service is imperative for us. The
> thought of having to find a new search engine is utterly annoying, so
> please tell me how I can install htdig on BSDI after all? Please?

Don't be depressed; thanks to Gilles and Geoff I solved this problem last

3.1.2 doesn't use the regex code in the C library, but rather it bundles
the GNU regex code in the package, and puts it in htlib/libht.a.  This GNU
regex.c code is causing a conflict with BSDI C/C++ library.  BSDI already
has a regex.h in /usr/include directory, and regex functions in C library,

To go around this problem do the following:

 . Remove references to regex.o from htlib/Makefile.
 . Remove, htlib/regex.h.
 . Remove references to htlib/regex.h in htfuzzy/Makefile.


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