I am running a Cobalt Qube and have compiled and installed htdig on it.
When I try to run:

"htdig -i -c /etc/htdig/htdig.conf"

I recieve a segmentation fault.  I have looked over past mailing list
archives, and saw this problem has popped up before, and followed the
directions to correct it, as posted.  As posted, I updated all my rpm's to
the versions specified, however, the problem still persists.

I tried running strace on htdig, and it gets to the point of opening the
config file, and after a few seconds I receive the seg fault.


======= 40 4B 36 58 A0 C7 5A 8A  49 E0 39 54 00 20 A3 AA =======
            Daniel Stringfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
           Florida Community College at Jacksonville

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