First, thanks for the hint about the patch for 3.1.3 & url params.  
Worked like a charm.  I'm interested in your mention of patch to allow
htsearch to take the search string & format in the command line to avoid
the cost of an additional fork() of the shell when wrapping htsearch.  I
searched and searched and could not find such a patch (it wasn't in your
php wrapper class and I looked in the list archives).

If anyone has a patch for htsearch to allow it to take all params in the
command line so it can be executed by a single command *please* send it to
me or the list!  Otherwise, it's on my list to do, and I'll post it in a
few weeks when I get to it.

Aaron Turner, Core Developer
Linux Knowledge Base Organization
Because world domination requires quality open documentation.

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Torsten Neuer wrote:


> Furthermore, to increase speed (by omitting an additional shell level),
> a
> patch should be applied to htsearch, which allows issueing search
> queries
> on the command line (either it is in the same archive as the wrapper
> class
> or somewhere in the mailing list archives).

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