At 10:36 AM +0100 10/29/99, David Adams wrote:
>SWISH-E has one facility which ht://Dig does not have and is very attractive
>for some specialist applications:  it allows a search which will _only_
>find pages which contain a given search word or words in a particular
>META tag.  Thus you can have, for example, pages which contain METAs such as:
><META NAME="Author" Content="Ransome, A.">
><META NAME="Title" Content="Swallows and Amazons">
>and then allow a search on Author or on Title, etc.

Just a FYI. This is on the feature list. In the development codebase, 
it is *possible* (i.e. the information is recorded), but there's 
currently no interface to restrict the search this way at present.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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