Torsten Neuer wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> >
> > Hi ppl,
> >
> > I am doing a singe word search in a database of around 10,000 pages,
> > and am getting a couple pages, out of a couple of tens of pages, that
> > are irrelevant to the word(Viewing the source, and searching for the
> > word in question in a text editor, does not find any occarences of
> > this word).
> >
> > Any idea what might be wrong??

Another thing....  Pages also get indexed according to the text of any
link that points to them.  For example, a page will be returned on a
search for 'click here', even though that text does not actually
appear in the page - but because the text appears in a link to that

Jason Carvalho
Web Analyst
Cranfield University

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