At 6:51 PM +0200 5/23/00, Marcel Hicking wrote:
>I have at about 200,000 plain text files
>spread over a few 100, maybe 1000, directories.
>File size is between a few bytes and, sometimes,
>above 1mb. All in all this ends up in 1.2gb
>of data, growing daily. The files do not
>contain HTML code and I need them to be
>indexed at least daily (that is, nightly ;-)
>Most of the files are static, only few of them
>change, say, 100-200 a day.

Well I don't think you'll have much problem indexing them with 
ht://Dig. As to performance, it depends a lot on your machine and the 
data itself. It sounds like you might get some use out of local_urls, 
though if they don't have extensions, you might see it hit the HTTP 
server a lot as it tries to figure out the MIME type.

Also remember that ht://Dig currently doesn't have any sort of "index 
this directory" feature.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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