At 12:54 PM +0200 5/24/00, Marcel Hicking wrote:
>I have been doing this for a much smaller site:
>I have set up a little shell script to generate
>a list with all available files and send it through
>sed to convert local paths to http://...-URLs.
>ht://dig is set up with  start_url=allfiles.list
>and a local_urls line to "undo" the above mapping
>Do you think this is appropriate for a larger search
>or do you have any other suggestions?

For now this is probably fine. The 3.2 code has a file:// access 
method, which would be idea for this purpose. One missing feature--it 
doesn't auto-generate directory listings on-the-fly. Of course if 
someone would be willing to write this, then indexing collections of 
local files would be very easy.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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