On Thu, 25 May 2000, Wayne Fool wrote:

> number-sample number)  The IES files index correctly, but the pdf files are
> rejected when the database is built.  
> [snip]
> parameter to true.  The htdig -vvv indicates that they are parsed, but they
> do not show up.  I read the FAQ on this and thought I had it set up ok.  Can
> someone point me in the right direction?  TIA

I don't quite follow. You say the PDF files are rejected, but htdig -vvv
indicates they are parsed?

Do you mean to say they are tossed out by htmerge?

If so, I'd make sure the PDF files actually contain text. Some programs
write PDF files that are just graphics or bitmaps and so these cannot be
indexed. What sort of indication do you have that they are parsed when you
run htdig -vvv?

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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