Ok, this question might be quite basic ... but I couldn't find anything in 
the FAQ that addressed it specifically.

I'm in the process of seting up a web archive of a number of mailing lists 
I run, with htdig as the search engine.

When I ran 'rundig' against the archive to create the initial database it 
took quite a long time (~6 hours on a P2 300 & 64mb of RAM.

When I update the archive & re-run the 'dig', it seems to take a long time 

I am running it with the '-a' flag, so it doesn't blow away the current 
files ... but I was wondering if there is a way I can make the database 
file creation run faster?

Would more memory effect the processing significantly?  Maybe more 
disk?  (got 6gb now).  Is there a mode of operation where it only looks at 
changed pages for indexing?


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