I've built 3.1.0b2 on a Redhat Linux 4.2 box with a 2.0.34 custom kernel. 
Everything compiled successfully with "make" and "make install".  I then ran
rundig -v and pointed it at a small website.  Everything seems to go fine, and
the databases are created in .db format in /usr/local/htdig/db, the directory
specified in CONFIG.  However when I try to search I get the following from

Unable to read word database file '/usr/local/htdig/db/db.words.gdbm'

The htsearch that's in the cgi-bin directory is the one created by the

Why is it looking for files in the old gdbm format?

PS:  Is there any other documentation for htdig other than what's at
www.htdig.org?  Like maybe a HOWTO for newbies like me?


Peter H. Lemieux, President
CYWAYS, Incorporated
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