On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Geoff Hutchison wrote:

> At 11:58 AM -0500 12/4/98, Peter H. Lemieux wrote:
> >The htsearch that's in the cgi-bin directory is the one created by the
> >compile.
> Are you sure about that? Run htsearch from the source directory from the
> command line. Run the copy in the cgi-bin directory. This way you don't
> have to worry about the server clouding the issue.

Boy, do I feel dumb.  The htsearch file in the compile directory did match
the one in the cgi-bin directory, but the /cgi-bin/ alias in srm.conf
didn't point to that directory!  Works fine now.



Peter H. Lemieux                                Voice:  (800) 5-CYWAYS  
CYWAYS, Incorporated                                    (+1 617 796 8995)
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