Speaking of ssl patches.  I also downloaded 3.1.5 and patched it with the
ssl.0 patch and the -l flag.  However, I then ran into the additional
problem that urls of the form:

were being directed to port 80, and that only urls of the form:

were actually going to the encrypted port.  So I hacked my copy so that
any url which starts with 

goes to port 433 by default but 'http' still goes to 80 by default.  Of
course, both can still be overridden by using the :port on the url.

Did anyone else hit this?  Would this patch be useful to anyone?  If so
I'll try to post it assuming I have the rights to do so.


> OK, I downloaded htdig-3.1.5.tar.gz; my htdig have been patched and
> re-patched;)  I tested both versions of the patch, and found out that ssl.1
> does not apply, but ssl.0, the old patch applies with -l switch.  I added
> the following lines to the beginning of the patch and placed it in the
> archives as: 
>       ftp://ftp.ccsf.org/htdig-patches/3.1.5/ssl.2
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Tabs in this patch have been converted to spaces;(  In order to apply the
> patch to a clean htdig-3.1.5 please use the -l switch: 
>         gunzip -c htdig-3.1.5.tar.gz | tar xf -
>         cd htdig-3.1.5
>         patch -p1 -l < /path/to/ssl.2
> _________________________________________________________________________

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