At 09:30 27/11/2000 +0000, David Adams wrote:
>I found that the extra runs of htmerge were necessary when I was merging two
>runs of htdig.  Unless I ran both databases through htmerge before merging
>them I was getting
>Deleted, invalid:

I never had this problem.

>against some pages in the htmerge run.  Compared to the time required to run
>htdig, the extra htmerge runs are trivial, so you have little to loose by
>including them.

And this is what I've done but with no success.

>Use the -v option with both htdig and htmerge and see if you get any message
>re the pages that don't appear in the final index.

I've got to try this out...

Olivier Korn.
Strasbourg, France.

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