At 5:59 PM -0600 12/6/00, Heriberto Cantu wrote:
>It was a fast work so probably need a second review and the completion
>of the file.
>I think it a good idea to have this package in the site,
>but couln't find a way to upload this.

You can try but it might be worth 
thinking about a "File Upload" form. If anyone has coded a CGI like 
this (and can ensure that files transfer in binary form), it might be 
worth trying.

And, of course, as you did earlier today, you can send files to me or 
Gilles to place in the repository. (Keep in mind, even with 
uploading, someone will still need to move it into place.)

It should be mirrored within an hour or so.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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