At 07:40 p.m. 06/12/00 -0600, Geoff Hutchison wrote:
>At 5:59 PM -0600 12/6/00, Heriberto Cantu wrote:
>>It was a fast work so probably need a second review and the completion
>>of the file.
>>I think it a good idea to have this package in the site,
>>but couln't find a way to upload this.
>You can try but it might be worth 
>thinking about a "File Upload" form. If anyone has coded a CGI like 
>this (and can ensure that files transfer in binary form), it might be 
>worth trying.

I been looking in the france version and found that the files and dictionaries have acented chars.

I have problems with words "oír", "prohibido", "grande" in the generation of
the ending, so change the double chars for one acented ej
('a 'e 'i 'o 'u "u 'n) ==> (á é í ó ú ü ñ)

Now the ending generation works better and add acented words to the list.

I have a new .tar.gz with acented chars files,
espa~nol.0 and espa~nol.aff

And still couldn't upload, you can get it at


Heriberto Cantu
Monterrey, Mexico
Tel: (8)129-1121
Cel: 0448-256-8807

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