
I am wondering if someone could please help me with installing htdig. I have very 
little unix experience, and am encountering what I hope are some probably simple 
problems with using the shell. I downloaded and unpacked the program. The separate 
subdirectory was created, in which was the configure program. The first time through I 
simply ran configure without making changes to it, and I soon realized this was not 
the correct order of business. So, in essence, it got to the point that if I tried to 
edit the configure file then I couldn't execute it - I could see it with the *dir* or 
*ls* commands, but when I executed it, the shell said it didn't find the program. If I 
left it alone, then it could find it, but it wouldn;t set things up right because it 
needs to be edited. So, either the means of editing I was using somehow altered the 
file, or ??? and etc. I imagine I will encounter similar problems. Please contact me 
on or off list. TIA

I am not interested in doing anything fancy with the program - that means I have read 
the alphabetical list of switches and most of the defaults will serve me fine. 

I don;t know how heavily used this list is, so to let you know it is Sat 3 pm, CST, 
and I will be out-of-town Sun noon through wed nite. So I may not respond till next 


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