I completed my migration to the latest version of the HttpClient
successfully. It is just a bit slower now than I would have ecpected...

Maybe somebody has some tuning experiences to share?

* Reliability is not that important for me
* It should do around 20 accesses per minute using slow proxies, connection
timeout is set to 6 seconds for them. Currently it does those 20 accesses in
100 seconds :-(

* I have 3 threads executing http gets concurrently.
* I am going with ThreadSafeClientConnManager and 30 connections at max. Is
that enough? Or too much?
* I use a retry hanlder with up to 6 retries. Not sure if that is eating up
much time?
* TCPNoDelay is false. Would turning that on improve performance to some
extent? How much?
* Stale Checking is enabled. Maybe I dont need this since I use the
IdleConnectionMonitorThread doing connMgr.closeExpiredConnections() every 5

* Are there more tuning opportunities available?

Thx for helping!


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