Thank you Oleg. Here it is:

executing request: GET
to target: https://hostname:443
2013/02/15 18:47:39:008 GMT [DEBUG] BasicClientConnectionManager - Get
connection for route {s}->https://hostname:443
2013/02/15 18:47:39:009 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnectionOperator -
Connecting to hostname:443
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - CookieSpec
selected: best-match
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAuthCache - Auth cache not set
in the context
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] RequestTargetAuthentication - Target
auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] RequestProxyAuthentication - Proxy
auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Attempt 1 to
execute request
2013/02/15 18:47:40:308 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Sending
request: GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Host: hostname[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Connection:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Host: hostname
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Connection: Keep-Alive
2013/02/15 18:47:40:309 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)
2013/02/15 18:47:40:372 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "HTTP/1.1 401
2013/02/15 18:47:40:372 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Connection:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Content-Type: text/html;
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Server:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-SharePointHealthScore:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "WWW-Authenticate:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-Powered-By:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Content-Length: 16[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Set-Cookie:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Vary:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Receiving
response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Connection: keep-alive
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Content-Type: text/html;
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-SharePointHealthScore: 0
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2013/02/15 18:47:40:373 GMT [DEBUG] headers - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Content-Length: 16
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Set-Cookie:
BIGipServersharepoint_2010_hostname_pool=2760949138.20480.0000; path=/
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Vary: Accept-Encoding
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] ResponseProcessCookies - Cookie
accepted: "[version: 0][name:
2760949138.20480.0000][domain: hostname][path: /][expiry: null]".
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Connection can be
kept alive indefinitely
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - hostname:443
requested authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy -
Authentication schemes in the order of preference: [negotiate, Kerberos,
NTLM, Digest, Basic]
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy -
Challenge for negotiate authentication scheme not available
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy -
Challenge for Kerberos authentication scheme not available
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy -
Challenge for Digest authentication scheme not available
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] TargetAuthenticationStrategy -
Challenge for Basic authentication scheme not available
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Selected
authentication options: [NTLM]
2013/02/15 18:47:40:374 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "401 UNAUTHORIZED"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - CookieSpec
selected: best-match
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - Cookie [version:
0][name: BIGipServersharepoint_2010_hostname_pool][value:
2760949138.20480.0000][domain: hostname][path: /][expiry: null] match
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAuthCache - Auth cache not set
in the context
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestTargetAuthentication - Target
auth state: CHALLENGED
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestTargetAuthentication -
Generating response to an authentication challenge using ntlm scheme
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] RequestProxyAuthentication - Proxy
auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Attempt 2 to
execute request
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Sending
request: GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Host: hostname[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Connection:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Cookie:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Cookie2: $Version=1[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Authorization: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:375 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Host: hostname
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Connection: Keep-Alive
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Cookie:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Cookie2: $Version=1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:376 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Authorization: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "HTTP/1.1 401
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Server:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-Powered-By:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:411 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Content-Length: 0[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Receiving
response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Content-Length: 0
2013/02/15 18:47:40:412 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Connection can be
kept alive indefinitely
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - hostname:443
requested authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authorization
challenge processed
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - CookieSpec
selected: best-match
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAddCookies - Cookie [version:
0][name: BIGipServersharepoint_2010_hostname_pool][value:
2760949138.20480.0000][domain: hostname][path: /][expiry: null] match
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] RequestAuthCache - Auth cache not set
in the context
2013/02/15 18:47:40:413 GMT [DEBUG] RequestTargetAuthentication - Target
auth state: HANDSHAKE
2013/02/15 18:47:40:415 GMT [DEBUG] RequestProxyAuthentication - Proxy
auth state: UNCHALLENGED
2013/02/15 18:47:40:415 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Attempt 3 to
execute request
2013/02/15 18:47:40:415 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Sending
request: GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Host: hostname[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Connection:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Cookie:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Cookie2: $Version=1[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "Authorization: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] wire - >> "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> GET
6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1%7D%26XMLDATA%3DTRUE HTTP/1.1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Host: hostname
2013/02/15 18:47:40:416 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Connection: Keep-Alive
2013/02/15 18:47:40:417 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> User-Agent:
Apache-HttpClient/4.2.3 (java 1.5)
2013/02/15 18:47:40:417 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Cookie:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:417 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Cookie2: $Version=1
2013/02/15 18:47:40:417 GMT [DEBUG] headers - >> Authorization: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "HTTP/1.1 401
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Server:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "WWW-Authenticate:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-Powered-By:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "Content-Length: 0[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] wire - << "[\r][\n]"
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Receiving
response: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << SPRequestGuid:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
2013/02/15 18:47:40:460 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] headers - <<
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013
18:47:40 GMT
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << Content-Length: 0
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] headers - << X-PvInfo:
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Connection can be
kept alive indefinitely
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - hostname:443
requested authentication
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authorization
challenge processed
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpClient - Authentication
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Response content length: 0
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] BasicClientConnectionManager -
Releasing connection
2013/02/15 18:47:40:461 GMT [DEBUG] BasicClientConnectionManager -
Connection can be kept alive indefinitely
2013/02/15 18:47:40:462 GMT [DEBUG] DefaultClientConnection - Connection<-> closed

On 2/15/13 1:47 PM, "Oleg Kalnichevski" <> wrote:

>On Fri, 2013-02-15 at 11:55 -0500, Chawla, Vanita wrote:
>> I am trying to use a REST call to Sharepoint 2010 via HTTPClient 4.2.3
>> from a java Liferay 6.1 portlet on Mac OS 10.6.x (snow leopard).
>> The response I always get back is: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
>> I don't see an SSL handshake in the wire logs, but see a cookie and get
>> 401 unauthorized response. I have tried various combinations of the
>> codes with same results.
>> I have imported the cert into my local MAC's JVM cacerts and am trying
>> load the cacerts as the keystore.
>> Note - that I've used FireFox and CURL to do the same thing I'm trying
>> do here programmatically, and it works fine. So the server appears to be
>> set up correctly. The CURL verbose log show the SSL handshake happening
>> first and the NTLM succeeds as the next step.
>> My code is:
>> String opsCalendarURL1 =
>> "https://hostname/sites/team-sites/operations/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?";;
>> String opsCalendarURL2 =
>> "Cmd=Display&List={6E460908-D470-4F8A-AF76-CC279E25E0B1}&XMLDATA=TRUE";
>> String opsCalenderURLEncoded = opsCalendarURL1 + URLEncoder.encode(
>> opsCalendarURL2 , "UTF8" );
>> System.out.println(opsCalenderURLEncoded);
>> DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
>> try {
>>    // SSL
>>    KeyStore trustStore  =
>>    FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(new
>> security/cacerts"));
>>    try {
>>     trustStore.load(instream, "pwd".toCharArray());
>>    } finally {
>>        try { instream.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
>>    }
>>    SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory(trustStore);
>>    Scheme sch = new Scheme("https", 443, socketFactory);
>>    httpclient.getConnectionManager().getSchemeRegistry().register(sch);
>>    System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
>>    HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("hostname", 443, "https");
>>    httpclient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(
>>     AuthScope.ANY,
>>     new NTCredentials("username", "password","machine","domain"));
>>    HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(opsCalenderURLEncoded);
>>    System.out.println("executing request: " + httpget.getRequestLine());
>>    System.out.println("to target: " + targetHost);
>>    HttpResponse response2 = httpclient.execute(targetHost, httpget);
>>    HttpEntity entity = response2.getEntity();
>>    System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
>>    System.out.println(response2.getStatusLine());
>>    System.out.println(response2.getProtocolVersion());
>>    if (entity != null) {
>>      System.out.println("Response content length: " +
>> entity.getContentLength());
>>    }
>>    EntityUtils.consume(entity);
>>   } finally {
>>     httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown();
>> }
>> I can attach the wire logs if needed.
>Post wire logs.

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