On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 04:33 +0000, Boxer, Aaron wrote:
> Hello,
> When I use ZeroCopyPut with hard drive (spinning disk ) disk files, I get a 
> network transfer rate of about 250 MBPS for first time read of files; 850 
> MBPS if the files are already in the Windows OS file cache. Synchronous put 
> gives me about 30 MBPS.
> But, when I am dealing with files on DVD, I get a network transfer rate of 5 
> MBPS for first time read of files, and 850 MBPS if files are in the OS file 
> cache.
> Synchronous put gives me about 30 MBPS.
> So, in the case of first read of DVD files, synchronous client is superior.  
> Synchronous should be faster, because it can read and send at the same time.
> Does this make sense?   It seems a little strange to me.


Zero copy data transfer is very platform specific. Java merely provides
a common APIs, which however can have radically different
implementations on different platforms and therefore can have different
performance characteristics.

I guess these numbers have more to do with Windows than with


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