
[ Andrew, I'm Ccing you because I don't know if you're on the list ]

first of all, thanks for the great tool (hugin). But I've run into a
problem I can't solve. When I try to create hdr panorama with hugin,
some areas looks like [1]. The red areas actually represents pixels with
infinite values in red channel.

At first I thought it was an error in enblend, but now I've discovered
that nona creates one pixel with infinite value in red channel. I've put
all necessary files at [2]. If I do

nona -r hdr -m EXR_m -o small1-small9_hdr_ -i 4 small1-small9.pto

then the output contains bad pixel. Its coords are x: 227 y: 247,
counting from zero. I can imagine that this makes enblend create bad
areas, because infinity propagates all the way through the pyramids.
(This is only my guess).

So I think that it is an error that nona creates a pixel with infinite
value and therefor looses any precision.

One final thing: As you can see on the image [1] there is something what
looks like black dashed horizontal lines. This is caused by
hugin_hdrmerge which creates images like [3]. See dots on the left and
line on the bottom. Again I thing this can make enblend create pictures
with errors.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to correct these errors
or help invastigating.


David Brodsky

P.S. Andrew, as you can see you can discard my previous email to you
because it may not be an error in enfuse. Thanks.

[1]: http://trekie.sinister.cz/enblend.jpg
[2]: http://trekie.sinister.cz/nona-inf.zip
[3]: http://trekie.sinister.cz/nona.jpg

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