This looks related to  this bug:

Yves Tennevin / esby

David Brodsky wrote:
> Hi,
> [ Andrew, I'm Ccing you because I don't know if you're on the list ]
> first of all, thanks for the great tool (hugin). But I've run into a
> problem I can't solve. When I try to create hdr panorama with hugin,
> some areas looks like [1]. The red areas actually represents pixels with
> infinite values in red channel.
> At first I thought it was an error in enblend, but now I've discovered
> that nona creates one pixel with infinite value in red channel. I've put
> all necessary files at [2]. If I do
> nona -r hdr -m EXR_m -o small1-small9_hdr_ -i 4 small1-small9.pto
> then the output contains bad pixel. Its coords are x: 227 y: 247,
> counting from zero. I can imagine that this makes enblend create bad
> areas, because infinity propagates all the way through the pyramids.
> (This is only my guess).
> So I think that it is an error that nona creates a pixel with infinite
> value and therefor looses any precision.
> One final thing: As you can see on the image [1] there is something what
> looks like black dashed horizontal lines. This is caused by
> hugin_hdrmerge which creates images like [3]. See dots on the left and
> line on the bottom. Again I thing this can make enblend create pictures
> with errors.
> Please let me know if there is anything I can do to correct these errors
> or help invastigating.
> Regards
> David Brodsky
> P.S. Andrew, as you can see you can discard my previous email to you
> because it may not be an error in enfuse. Thanks.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> >

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