Hi Tom,

> > > First, please make sure you have version 0.5.72.  I posted 0.5.71
> > > before testing on a system with only power-of-2 textures.  That
> > > revealed a serious error in scaling cubic textures -- fatal there, but
> > > could affect cubic panos on any system. 0.5.72 fixes that.
> > I checked and I have the 0.5.72 release. But as no error message is
> > produced anywhere (as far as I can see anyway) I can't tell whether it
> > has to do anything with my video card having problems with non-power-
> > of-2 textures.
> That would not be the case in OGL version 2.1.  More likely I'm asking
> for something really stupid, when you do that OpenGL often just aborts
> the operation without reporting an error.

Hmm, I just ran the program through an OpenGL debugger (I found a free
one at http://www.vis.uni-stuttgart.de/glsldevil/, but there are
more), and there seems to be no detectable error. I find this quite
strange, a behavior of aborting without reporting.
It is interesting however to see when the image gets redrawn, see for
yourself that this happens even when nothing really changes in the
image (e.g. when opening the Load File window).

By the way, as requested, the details from the about box:

About your OpenGL implementation:
Version: 2.1.7976 Release
Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Limits: texPwr2 0, texMax 2048, cubeMax 2048

The dialog states "pvQt version 0.5.71" although I just double checked
that I'm using 0.5.72, by redownloaded the thing, unpacking it to a
different location and running it again.
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