
just a question:
is there any reason why nobody replied so far that i should know?
is this not the right group, is it a rtfm-question or did i miss
anything else?
however, thanks for replies, kr,


marexel schrieb:
> hi,
> i now installed hugin according to
> http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_OpenSuse
> on a suse 10.3 64bit.
> now i wanted to give
> http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tutorials/multi-row/en.shtml
> a try, but get some problems and no panorama:
> 1. i have to enter the controlpoints manually because of
> Kommando:autopano-complete.sh --output /tmp/ap_res993OTA --points 20
> "/home/tutorial/p986.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p987.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p988.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p989.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p990.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p991.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p992.jpg"
> "/home/tutorial/p993.jpg"
> failed, errorcode:1
> autopano-complete is installed:
> su...@side:~> locate autopano-complete
> /usr/local/bin/autopano-complete.old.sh
> /usr/local/bin/autopano-complete.sh
> tbc...
> 2. after i want them to be put together (via the "stitch now!" button)
> i get the error
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o test -i 0 /tmp/huginpto_AEZWXi
> caught exception: std::bad_alloc
> make: *** [test0000.tif] Fehler 1
> nona is installed:
> su...@side:~> locate nona
> /usr/bin/nona
> /usr/bin/nona_gui
> /usr/bin/shownonascii
> /usr/local/bin/nona
> /usr/local/bin/nona_gui
> /usr/local/share/hugin/nona.txt
> /usr/local/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_enblend.mk
> /usr/local/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_multilayer.mk
> /usr/local/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_smartblend.mk
> /usr/share/hugin/nona.txt
> /usr/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_enblend.mk
> /usr/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_multilayer.mk
> /usr/share/hugin/xrc/data/nona_smartblend.mk
> tbc...
> 3. if i use the assistant alternatively and hit ceate panorama i get the
> error
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 0 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 1 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 2 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 3 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 4 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 5 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 6 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> nona -z PACKBITS -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o tescht -i 7 /tmp/huginpto_uxKC2M
> enblend --compression NONE -w -f3660x1830 -o tescht.tif tescht0000.tif
> tescht0001.tif tescht0002.tif tescht0003.tif tescht0004.tif
> tescht0005.tif tescht0006.tif tescht0007.tif
> Input images to small for coarse mask, switching to fine mask.
> Loading next image: tescht0000.tif
> Loading next image: tescht0001.tif
> Creating blend mask: 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
> Optimizing 1 distinct seam.
> Strategy 1, s0: 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4
> Strategy 2: s0
> make: *** [tescht.tif] error accessing memory
> make: *** file »tescht.tif« will be deleted
> any ideas what goes wrong?
> thanks for advice, kr,
> marexel
> > 

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