I recently played at getting VERY close shots with my Canon A630,
which will focus down to 1cm.

All (eventually... :-) went well, but the resulting
shot has savage barrel distortion:


I normally correct my 35mm images with some distortion
numbers saved from a large, multishot panorama.

But they don't appear to be applicable to this close up shot.

So I pulled the image into Hugin, set a few normal control points,
then set up control points on two straight lines (top and
bottom edges of the main subject).

Optimisation for (a,b,c) went well.

But when I use stitch preview, rectilinear
projection does NOT give me the nice
corrected result I desire; It has severe
pincushion distortion.

Other projections give me a "squarer" result;
e.g. Equirectangular looks "ok".

I *thought* I should just be mapping from
a rectilinear lens (with distortions) to a similar
rectilinear projection (with distortions corrected).

What am I doing wrong?


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