On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 15:04, paul womack <pwom...@papermule.co.uk> wrote:
>> Wouldn't a better subject give you more lines to play with in the
>> barrel distortion correction? you don't have a lot to base the
>> optimization on (in particular for large distances from the subject).
> You're confusing cause and effect - I have the *subject* I want,
> I now want to correct it.

I mean, a test image with lots of straight lines would give more
possibilities for control points in the corners, top of the image,
bottom, etc. With the image you showed, I understand there is only the
top and bottom of the ruler?

What happens if you photograph a grid paper from up close?

> In anycase, the optimisation stage of the process
> report pleasingly low pixel errors, and the a,b,c
> numbers appear quite credible.

Hmmm - if the final result is not satisfactory, I would say that there
is something that doesn't quite work as expected! My intuition is that
there are many ways of distorting an image such that the two lines of
the ruler are straight, but the top and bottom part are not.



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