Hi Othman

There is no point in loading huge imagees into Panini 0.62, as it will
reduce them to around 8 Mpixels anyhow before display.  So in this
case, yes, make a very reduced image.

-- Tom

On Feb 3, 8:38 am, "Ir. Hj. Othman bin Hj. Ahmad" <othm...@lycos.com>
> Successfully installed on my system:
> Amd Athlon 64 X2 running on Vista Ultimate 64-bit
> RAM 4G
> When I tried to open the tiff file, 16712  x 8356 dimension,  333Mbyte
> size, output by Smartblend, it gave error messages:
> QImage Out of memory, returning null image.
> I used defaults for all settings.
> My instinctive reaction is to create a lower resolution file but I
> prefer to work at the highest resolution before scaling them down for
> web publication.
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