If there is need for test images from rectilinear wide-angle lenses I
could provide 16 bit scans (each frame with up to about 3665 x 5697
pixels using the smaller scanner) from my 12 and 15 mm Voigtländer


Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Wed 25-Mar-2009 at 01:21 +0100, Pablo d'Angelo wrote:
>> these are relatively straightforward (and SLOW) implementations of 
>> normalized cross correlation, which I wanted to replace with something 
>> faster since ages but never got around to do so. As these functions know 
>> nothing about the image geometry, its hard to add the projection 
>> specific stuff to them.
> Another way to do this might be to create a parallel image-cache in 
> stereographic projection and compare these images directly.  This 
> cache would be useful for any future built-in control point 
> generator.

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