Hi all,

Actually, my thesis project is about creating a linear panorama from a
series of photos taken along a line. I'm rebuilding the system as
described in an article called "Photographing Long Scenes with Multi-
Viewpoint Panoramas" [1]. Basically, these are the steps which are
performed (a bit simplified):

0. Correct barrel distortion using PTLens to get rectilinear images.
1. Keypoint extraction.
2. Keypoint matching, which finds matches of keypoints for each pair
of images.
3. Bundle adjustment, which reconstructs a sparse cloud of 3d scene
points (it places the 2d keypoints in 3d space).
4. The bundle adjustment packages also reconstructs where the cameras
are positioned in 3d space.
5. The user selects a projection surface by drawing a line in a 2d map
generated from the 3d point cloud (just a top down view).
6. All images are backprojected onto this surface.
7. The images are blended together.

I haven't finished the whole system yet, but I do have a viewer for
the 3d point cloud, in which I can backproject the images using a very
simple approach: from each camera viewpoint, I draw the accompanying
image at a user specifiable distance. The results are far from
perfect, but it is clear that even a simple approach like this does
nice tricks.

So far, I don't really have a research question (rebuilding a piece of
software obviously isn't enough), although I have some ideas. Because
for each keypoint both 3d information and 2d information (original
keypoint locations) is available, I could warp the images to match the
3d points, such that each image follows its own 3d surface
(difficult), or find a "most common" plane per image and position the
input images on those surfaces (a lot easier and, I suspect, less
prone to error). I have to think of something clever to do after that

Any ideas welcome of course, although in its current form, it will be
quite a challenge to merge my stuff with Hugin. I'm using Noah
Snavely's Bundler [2], for one thing, which is currently dependent on

So, this is also a GSOC project? Nice :)

[1] http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/multipano/
[2] http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/
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