Hi Bruno, thanks for the reply!
> In principle you don't need the overall scene brightness to be 
> constant for calculating vignetting, so long as the light 
> distribution remains the same.  hugin can 'optimise' exposure 
> simultaneously with vignetting.
> In practice, I'm not sure what environment would behave like 
> this - Maybe a room with a small diffuse skylight
I was considering a windowless room lid by artificial incadescent light. 
It is surprising that obviously noone has ever really tried this so far. 
But maybe for most panoramic applications, the accuracy of the 
vignetting calibration is not that important, as enblend & Co. correct 
for the seams nicely. Still, for me this is not an option, so I will try 
to find a suitable room now. The tripod-head is also selected and should 
arrive a bit later ;-)

CU Lars.

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