> This is what I don't understand about the existing design.  Surely
> if the queue exists as a file or files on disk, then all you need to
> do is modify the queue files.  The queue processor shouldn't try to
> keep the 'canonical' queue list in memory it should just refer to
> the file all the time.  This way multiple applications can add
> projects to the queue without needing to communicate with another
> process.

The queue is only loaded at startup of PTBatcherGUI. So I added code
to watch the queue file and to load it again when changed outside. All
changes within PTBatcherGUI are done in memory and then saved back to
disk. I won't change the existing design so a done this workaround.

> I'm not sure we need PTBatcher to be an entire command-line queue
> manager if PTBatcherGUI already exists.  

I agree with you. We should think if we need PTBatcher really.

Some comment: PTBatcherGUI supports the following command line

PTBatcherGUI [switches] [project1.pto [prefix1]] [project2.pto
adds the projects to the queue (attention: no -a switch as in

-b runs batch immediately
-p  sets option "run batch projects in parallel"
-d  sets option "delete *.pto files after stitching"
-o  sets option "overwrite previous files without asking"
-s  sets option "shutdown computer after batch is complete"
-v  sets option "show verbose output when processing projects"

> The other thing remaining now is that the 'Save project and send to
> batch' button should launch PTBatcherGUI, probably this is what most
> users would expect.

I'm working on it, it needs some testing if all cases works. I will
commit it in the next days.

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