I'm giving up. The resulting file is 3.4Gb. Apparently it got written
ok, but all "readers" have trouble. This is probably because the
IFD is beyond the 2Gb mark. (I've followed flow of code through
tifftopnm, and it SHOULD fail if it doesn't mmap the file. In practise
however it does mmap the file, and still fails. I haven't figured out
why yet.)

What we need is a file format that has 64-bit offsets allowing much
larger files. I would suggest that just modifying tiff to have 8-byte
pointers in a few places would be the best way to go. I'd call it
bigtiff. Problem is.... It already exists.


So... has anybody tried compiling the hugin toolset with bigtiff

I think I'm going to try. libtiff-4.0.0b3 has been compiled, seems
to work. (and its tool ppm2tiff doesn't generate  bigtiff files. :-( )


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